A developer of two hotels and a restaurant on Route 70 in Cherry Hill spent four years navigating expanded New Jersey environmental rules and local zoning laws before receiving approval to build. The Township approved the plan this month, which includes restoring and protecting the natural setting around a tributary of the Cooper River near South Union Avenue with a deed restriction on development. Old asphalt, concrete surfaces, gravel, debris, and invasive plant species will be removed from around the stream. The site will feature 282 canopy trees (60 to 100 feet at maturity) and 257 smaller trees (30 to 50 feet at maturity), according to the development plan.
For more information about Cherry Hill land sites for sale or about any other properties for sale or lease, please contact WCRE at 856-857-6300.
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Please visit our website for a full listing of land sites, www.wolfcre.com.